
Making Life Joyful

Pathways Christmas Play

Pathways children and staff celebrated the end of another year with a special Christmas play, directed and facilitated by our staff. The theme “A Journey through the desert to Bethlehem” saw the three wise men following the star, to find the baby Jesus.

Children and staff spent days before designing, colouring, painting and cutting to get all the costumes and props ready for the day.

There were animals, angels, wise men and people in the crowd. Beautiful singing of Christmas songs, by the staff, followed the journey to Bethlehem where the three wise men met with King Herod and then secretly continued on their journey to Bethlehem where they presented their gifts to Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus.

Father Christmas arrived, led in by the Christmas Fairy and Elf. The children were surprised with bottles of bubbles from Father Christmas and the morning ended with a party for the children and tea and mince pies for the parents.

We would like to thank all our staff for their organisation and all the parents for taking the time to be with us.